
Root-server by Xirra

We offer a range of various dedicated root servers. The performance of the entire server is available exclusively for you. The products range stretches from the affordable entry-server XR-1 with an Intel Core2Duo E8400 processor to the powerful XR-3-NG/XR-6-NG with an Intel Xeon Bronze, up to the XR-9-NG with the mighty Intel Core Xeon Silver 4114 .
As with all root and storage server offers at Xirra, traffic is included.

Good technology for secure hosting

All servers are build using only trademark components which have been previously tested by us. Each server includes our rescue & reset system, which you can use to help yourself 24/7. Of course, our network is already “IPv6 ready”. Each server is assigned a /64 subnet.

You have the choice

As operating system for your server we are offering you Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS . Further operating systems are possible, if requested.
A comparison of our root server offers can be found in our product matrix, where you can have an overview of the various specs and prices.
For server running with CentOS we are offering the cPanel administration software.
If your needs differ from our offers, please do not hesitate to contact us to resolve eventual questions.